Thursday, August 25, 2016

Week 5: EOC

The three tweets that I chose that interested me were about photography in black & white. I’ve always had an interest in Black and White Photography because to me it gives the picture more feeling and the photos look classier with that filter.
The first tweet I chose was I wrote about how Black and white photography has been used for decades since the first camera was invented because back in the day they still didn’t know how to create color pictures so they starts off with Black & white  it enhances and amplifies the photo.

The next tweet that I picked was and in this tweet I talk about how a trend today black & white photography is now being used more and more to exhibit modern lifestyle.  To me black and white photography stands out then your normal color one because its something different and unique. Black and white has been in style for over decades since the camera was invented and now photographers use that style to give their picture a different vibe and to stand out. I follow some photographers that all they do is black and white and its amazing.

Last but not least the last tweet I will talk about is Black and white is definitely timeless. In terms of its place in design. What I mean by this is that black and white is so easy its all done by a click of a button on your home computer and it gives the picture a different style. Its timeless but the structure of the picture pops put more when its just in black and white. It gives the picture a different feeling and vibe and a whole different character.

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