Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

Who are Millennials ? Millennials are born between 1977 & 2000. They make up 25% of the U.S. Population. Having grown up immersed in technology, we practically were born with cell phones in our hands, Well I was in 1997. As Millennials enter their peak home-buying years, their reluctance to enter the housing market could change. Millennials have been putting off significant milestones like marriage and children. They also are reluctant to buy items such as cars, music and luxury goods. When I was growing up in school they taught us all about how to do checks write emails and how to buy products from stores, they practically taught us everything we needed to know to grow up in the big world. Then when I went into middle school we started working with computers and the library had computers and before that my dad bought a computer for our house because the homework required to use the internet and to find the answers to our questions. So when I was ready to use the computers at the school I was all ready and I knew what I was doing because I had one at my house. Millenials to this day still use email and now the kids from now they don’t use email at all. And us Millennials expect technology to simply work because that’s all that we are used to since birth. We are a social generation and they socialize while consuming your products and services. Millennials collaborate and cooperate with each other.